Earlier this week I was talking with one of my Athens based clients, a local restaurant, about how we should market our social media to the rest of town. They were extremely excited to share, but didn’t see why I put such a high importance on attracting our existing customers first. Why should we spend time and money trying to engage our current customer base when looking for new customers will increase our sales?
I believe our “regulars” are the most important audience when it comes to social media marketing. These regular visitors are our biggest fans. They watch each move we make; fans get excited when we put out a new product (in this case, a new dish) and want to help suggest improvements when they feel it is important.
One particularly brilliant brand believed its customers would go above and beyond to make the company better. My Starbucks Idea is a website by the Seattle based company where anyone can pitch an idea to improve the Starbucks experience. Other website visitors then vote an idea up or down, accruing positive or negative points for the idea. The website authentically incorporate social elements, allow comments and votes. People have a direct impact on the outcome. And how do you think people get their ideas voted up and ranked higher? Social media.
The need to engaging your current customer base through social media outlets is incredibly important. These fans will carry your brand to the ends of the digisphere. You want new customers? Empower your fans to share, like, post and discuss. Make a genuine connection and they will passionately champion your brand. Just ask Starbucks.
This topic is extremely interesting. It focuses on a problem that plagues a lot of restaurants and food establishments in the US. I always see the cards in larger chain restaurants asking you to fill out the form asking what they could improve upon or what new items they could offer that would bring more people. In the Athens area, I feel like it’s hard to get local establishments to take comments from customers in regards to changing their set ways. They tend to be hesitant about changing their business plan because it has worked for them. In time, they will begin to realize that people and their wants and needs are changing. Social media is allowing consumers to become more involved in the conversation regarding their favorite brands and will want to do the same thing with locally owned businesses.
As far as Starbucks and larger organizations are concerned, they have learned to take part in the conversation with consumers. I personally have never used these comment boxes or cards or blogs, but I know people have discussed their feelings on them. Companies tend to respond to these comments because they want consumers to keep coming back and purchasing their food and beverages. Hopefully, local eateries will realize that these comment/suggestion areas on social media are helping their business.