Social Media Spotlight: Atlanta Mission

From time to time, I want to highlight a company or organization that I believe does social media in an exceptional way. For this first edition, I want to spotlight the Atlanta Mission. The Mission is a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to “Ending Homelessness”. It was started in 1938 as a soup kitchen and now provides shelter and programming for more than 950 homeless men, women and children on a daily basis. Continue Reading…

The Questionnaire

Oftentimes when I’ve started social media for a specific brand, I’ve had no prior knowledge of the client or what they do, sell or provide. Even if you might, it’s important to make sure you have a deeper understanding of the client before you jump into posting on their social media platforms. I’ve prepared some information you will need to obtain from your client before you start, along with some suggested questions. I would highly recommend a face-to-face conversation if possible, but you can definitely ask questions over the phone or via email when meeting isn’t an option. Continue Reading…

The List


I’m currently a senior at the University of Georgia, which means I’m among the people who furiously rush to any meeting or social event held by a company recruiter. One of the things I’m doing is creating a list of companies I want to target. I have the list broken down into categories: agencies, corporations, small business. And even into sublists: Agencies – Public Relations, Integrated Marketing, Branding. Once I made the list, I started analyzing each company — what they do, the culture, who I can get in touch with to learn more. Continue Reading…

The Importance of Engaging Current Customers

Earlier this week I was talking with one of my Athens based clients, a local restaurant, about how we should market our social media to the rest of town. They were extremely excited to share, but didn’t see why I put such a high importance on attracting our existing customers first. Why should we spend time and money trying to engage our current customer base when looking for new customers will increase our sales? Continue Reading…