The Strategy on Strategy


I imagine most people react to the video above in three ways: you laugh at it, you are offended by it, or you don’t get it.

In case you didn’t get it, the video is satirical (it took me a minute to understand too).

But The Onion makes a good point in the video. Too often, companies create social media accounts because other companies have them and social media seems like the popular thing to do. This “everyone else is doing it” attitude might get you a few likes or tweets here and there, but does it really further your brand? Continue Reading…

The Importance of Engaging Current Customers

Earlier this week I was talking with one of my Athens based clients, a local restaurant, about how we should market our social media to the rest of town. They were extremely excited to share, but didn’t see why I put such a high importance on attracting our existing customers first. Why should we spend time and money trying to engage our current customer base when looking for new customers will increase our sales? Continue Reading…